The Power of Habits✨

We all have some form of habits, whether they are good or not so good habits. From the moment we wake up to the very second we shut our eyes close. Now I have a question for you, when you wake up do you usually check your social media or any e-mails or maybe even shut off the alarm hitting the snooze? Well, all of that is a form of a habit that over time has build up to your everyday routine. Another form of a habit of the same example of waking up in the morning, is turning off the alarm, have a slight stretch in bed and actually getting off the bed and starting your day, with at least the first hour not looking at your phone and setting the tone for your day.

The power of habits sets a powerful tone than setting goals. Don’t get me wrong having a goal is great and gives a lot people and even myself something to look forward too. But many times after the goal comes the thinking process of, now what? For instance, you are training for a marathon and after the marathon is completed than what? Do you identify yourself as a runner now and keep doing marathons as part of your current lifestyle or do you just go back to your day to day life?

Habits could be as small as reading a book, going for a walk, being less on social media while working on your goals, work, or projects.

The great thing about habits is that it doesn’t have to be so big and overwhelming when you first begin and they gradually progress as your everyday routine.

Mary Jane is a client that sets a goal of reading two books every month. However, defeats herself whenever she doesn’t complete reading a whole book every month, she does visualize and identify herself as woman that reads to improve her knowledge and enjoys novels from time to time. The power of habits is that Mary Jane could still show up and feel the same satisfaction even if it’s just reading 1 page for that day to simply showing up for herself. Gradually reading that 1 page becomes to 5 pages and progresses, the power of habits is that eventually a reading spot may occur and a certain time to read. When beginning something new, the key to success from it, is to start small and simply to show up.

Now, with all the distractions we have from Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, having the sweet dopamine satisfaction of just indulging in scrolling for about 12 min every hour of the day because of a simple feeling of boredom passed by or a creative block while working on a project, maybe even as a distraction from getting your workout in. Our body sends cues to reach for the phone whenever our mind unconsciously wants to avoid a certain task or to procrastinate.

The power of the simple habit to put the phone in another room, where it’s completely out of sight, out of mind or even a setting to block social media apps in order to commit to focusing on your tasks or even that goal you have in mind.

These small habits create a domino affect to a lifestyle that one visualizes themselves to be in. By cutting off the distractions and quote on quote the bad habits, one is able to focus on the new habits they desire to create.

Goals essentially start from building small habits that progress. If you have a goal in mind but feel overwhelmed, start small. Want to lose weight but don’t know where to start or feel overwhelmed with the thought of the gym. Start small and enjoy a walk or a light jog, play an on-demand home workout, just start small, be consistent, and the rest will follow. Once you start checking off each day for showing up, a sensation of joy and even dopamine would be released for simply showing up. Guess what happens next, you’ll start progressing and doing more or even setting a very detailed specific goal.

Such as having your first concert in a year from now because you picked up the guitar for the first time 6 years ago and showed up every day. You set the goal of doing your first body building competition when you turn 30 because you decided to change your life around after college.

The Power of Habits.

When getting started building the consistency of maintaining may or may not seem challenging, all depends on the individual, the different lifestyle circumstance and unique desires. However, if you believe you are ready to take that small step just by showing up and desiring that daily accountability and motivation, then look no forward and contact me to be your Wellness Habit Coach.


       Coach Ilia Maria 💋


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